Today our seat – the Business Center – is like second home for all young “angels”. All together we are like a big family. The number of angels is growing, our knowledge is getting deeper and we are getting to understand more and more about business – the future of us.
“Business angel” is about 100 young people, who are interested in business and thinking about relating their future with it. All together they are learning, working and having fun. Number of the young “angels” is constantly changing: some of them escape after some difficulties; the others pick up and stay in “Buisness angel“. Despote the fact that our commercial isn‘t shouting from each stake in the streets, most of the residens of Alytus know as very well.
The coordinator of the youth group is Vaclovas Gostautas. He saw that the yought is very creative and clever, so he wanted to give them possibility to implement their ideas in practice. Vaclovas is prompting our activity. He always reminds that everyone is very important in „Buisness angel“.
The youth organisation has been started to associatein spring of the 2003 year. Their main purposes were to create the Buisness map of Alytus, deepen knowledge in buisness and to prepare better for studies at university.
The first generation of students has already left us in 2003 spring. Some of them have chosen to study business management. The others neglected the activity in „Buisness angel“, dived in the revels of summer holidays. However, “angels” come back more serious and full of new ideas in the autumn.
“Angels” group work as a organization. Young “angels” every Thursday in the Business Angel Office which is in the Busness Centre of Alytus. During Thursday‘s meetings “angels“ discuss different dealings, share new ideas, works they had done, problems and solutions to them. A lot of guests visit these meatings too. “Groups” direktor is elected every other week. So, everybody has a chanse to be a lyder. The director is in charge of distributing different tasks for individual and command work among participans. He has a responsibility to koordinate meetings anuoto control how the given tasks are fulfilled.
The main activity of the group is „Business Map“. All participans take part in this Project. They are visiting companys of Alytus, learning comunicate. There are many other things they do also.
Since the activity of yought has expanded and more people have heard about them, a lot of new projects, suggestions and partners are coming up. “Angels” are always ready to begin a new practise and calloborate with pleasaut people.